LinkedIn and Facebook to Merge Services

Were you as taken aback as I was when Mark Zuckerberg (Founder, CEO of Facebook), Jeff Weiner (CEO of LinkedIn), and Reid Hoffman (Founder, Chair of the Board of Directors of LinkedIn) made their announcement that popular professional social media site LinkedIn was to merge its services with the oft-maligned but ever-present Facebook? This is a big game changer, especially for those of us in communications and marketing.

How will this impact you? We’ve put together a graphic to help you understand the fallout from this merger (after the jump).

Infographic: Facebook - LinkedIn Merger (click for full-size graphic)
Infographic: Facebook – LinkedIn Merger (click for full-size graphic)

Alright, so you’ve finally got your LinkedIn running the way you want it to, approaching contacts and doing a great deal of professional research and prospecting. Your personal Facebook account gives you the outlet to post commentary, funny pictures, and basically just vent away from work. How can you reconcile the two so that it doesn’t hurt your communications strategy?

Click the graphic to the left to view it full-sized for a few items to keep in mind as you make the change to socially professional from professionally social. Remember, both services combined boast a total number of users over 700 million, so the market is there if you are strategic in your approach.

Be sure to read the latest news about the merger to determine exactly how concerned you should be, both professionally and personally.

It will take some getting used to, but we can do it with confidence.

(Melissa Zoller, MHz Consulting)

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